About Us


Mommy Brain is a community dedicated to providing support, resources, and entertainment for Moms around the world.

Mommy Brain is real! And this site is dedicated to all the moms out there who are putting every ounce of their being into loving, feeding, protecting and cultivating their children. And in return for their loyal, ongoing service to their children and family they get the all so familiar, “Mommy Brain!” If you don’t know what Mommy Brain is, then check out some or all of our videos! I’m sure they will make you laugh or at least crack a smile. And they will reassure you that you are not alone!

And, by the way, congratulations on becoming a mom! It’s the best, hardest and most important thing you will ever do! You are the channel of all the goodness that is growing in your child/children. And the seeds that you plant will grow for generations to come. So, if the small price we have to pay for such an honor is a little “Mommy Brain,” then it is well worth it! Let’s laugh AT and WITH each other and embrace our Mommy Brains! And with a little support from one another, perhaps we can change our status from Mommy Brains to Mommys WITH A BRAIN!